• Replace or clean air conditioner filters regularly. Blocked air filters will create a
drag on the efficiency of your air conditioning system’s ability to push and pull air through registers. Most filters suggest a 90-day useful life. In summer allergens are higher and if your family suffers from such symptoms, you may even want to replace your filter every 60 days.
• Change ceiling fan direction. Airflow during the summer should be sent downward to produce a wind chill effect (normally counter-clockwise).
• Install an attic fan or vents to pull hot air off your ceiling. When temperatures outdoors get into the 90s, an attic can easily reach 140 degrees.
• Clear dryer vents to prevent clogs causing warm, moist air to blow back into the house.
• Close curtain and blinds during the warmest hours of the day, especially those facing south and west.
• Check insulation around windows and doors.
• Switch to compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL), as these produce less heat.
• Run a bathroom fan during showers to remove warm, moist air.
Your home will be more efficient and you will be cooler this summer!