When building a custom home, decisions about how to organize elements like a closet or a pantry can be fun but overwhelming! Domicile Realty shared these great tips for pantry planning. From organizing a small pantry to designing a large walk-in pantry there are many things to think about and plan for. Do you have children, pets and a lot of snacks? How will you store your ingredients for baked goods and your root vegetables? These questions can be asked for every pantry small and large. To help you get ample amount of storage space and easy access arrangement in your pantry, start by asking yourself these quick questions before you begin:

What materials will be used for your shelves?

Shelves and cabinets need to be made of sturdy and durable material. This is one room you will use throughout the day, every day. The options are endless for your pantry shelves: wooden shelves, metal racks, even plywood for a more contemporary look.

How far apart will you space them?

Planning your shelving is very important, if you can’t reach the top shelf, it isn’t worth putting something up there-unless you have enough room to store a step stool or small ladder nearby, or plan to store things you do not use regularly.

* A common mistake when planning your shelving for your pantry is to make all the shelving the same width and height. Adding shelves at varying heights throughout your pantry to accommodate special items such as, wine bottles, small kitchen appliances, and storage baskets will help avoid losing wasted space.

How do you plan to arrange your pantry items?

Dividing your pantry into zones is a great way to help you stay organized. To get started, take an assessment of your pantry items and identify the categories that they fall into such as: baby food, dinner items, baking, snacks etc. Next, visualize your pantry layout and designate an area for each category, with the most often-used zones in easy reach areas. Finally, to stay organized, mark each zone with a label so everyone in the house knows where things go.

How are you going to store your perishables?

Flour, sugar, candy, etc., can be stored in functional sealable canisters. Store these food items in clear, airtight canisters to keep them fresh and to know what is in each container and how much you have. Another bonus for using a set of clear canisters is that they stack well – helping you take advantage the space in your pantry.

*Using a sealed container can also help you save money. They allow you to quickly see what you already have, so you don’t over buy; and they will help keep your food fresh longer!

Are you planning to re-organize or design your pantry? Please share your ideas with us!