by boldcnsttest | Aug 2, 2017 | Custom Home Building, Homeowner Tips
A deck or patio brings the best of the indoors to the outdoors. There’s no better way to enjoy a sunset or fall weather than kicked back on a comfy chair, drink in hand surrounded by your friends and family. Decks and patios bring this experience to life and are a...
by boldcnsttest | Jul 15, 2016 | Outdoor Renovations, Residential Construction
It’s porch season in North Carolina. That means it’s time to break out the sweet tea and lemonade, kick off your shoes and light a citronella candle or two. There’s nothing quite like watching the world go by from the comfort of a swinging bench. A...
by boldcnsttest | May 26, 2016 | Homeowner Tips, Outdoor Renovations
With summer fast approaching, now is the perfect time to think about expanding the exterior of your home. Unique outdoor features are great for relaxing, entertaining and other summer shenanigans. When done right, they have the added effect of increasing your home...