Building the Perfect Home Gym

Building the Perfect Home Gym

Got a New Year’s Resolution? For 2018, “being a better person” was tied with “losing weight.” Both of those are huge challenges, but the second one is definitely easier to do in the gym. Unfortunately most gyms are crowded, expensive, or worse! The solution is a home...

Custom Home Landscaping Ideas

Custom Home Landscaping Ideas

Pre-made homes – especially those in older neighborhoods – derive a lot of their charm from the landscaping. An ancient oak tree in the backyard, a quirky lot size because of old zoning, that hard-to-mow but unique sloped front lawn. With a custom home, that charm is...

A Guide to Custom Home Windows

A Guide to Custom Home Windows

Everyone loves a view, and for a view, you need a window. Windows come in a dizzying array of styles and materials, and are an extremely important part of decorative appeal and architectural engineering. If you’re building a custom home, think beyond the view. What...

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